Why am I getting an error regarding Bolts framework and FacebookSDK when I'm not even using Bolts?

ggworean picture ggworean · Jul 16, 2016 · Viewed 17.6k times · Source

Getting this error

framework not found Bolts for architecture x86_64

Followed Facebook's guide word for word, but the only place I can think of an error with linking happening is in the Build Settings for Framework Search Paths. All I currently am attempting in the app is to add a Facebook Login in button, simply visually to make sure it's loading visually. No method functionality is added, but I can't even build the project in this current state.


Poyan picture Poyan · Jul 22, 2016
  1. Open the project in Xcode.
  2. Go to where you extracted the FacebookSDK. If you're using Mac OSX, it should be available in Documents/FacebookSDK.
  3. Grab the Bolts.framework file and drop into your Frameworks folder in Xcode for your project.

It should build now.