Top "Excel-formula" questions

This tag is for Microsoft Excel questions where the question or answers are specifically about the structure, syntax, or output of an Excel formula.


I have multiple spreadsheets in a workbook and I would like the following in basic English talk: IF worksheet1(cell)…

excel excel-formula vlookup
Conditionally formatting if multiple cells are blank (no numerics throughout spreadsheet )

I have created a spreadsheet in Excel and am attempting to use Conditional Formatting to highlight a cell or row …

excel excel-formula conditional-formatting
How do I recognize "#VALUE!" in Excel spreadsheets?

I'd like to write a formula such that if cell A1 displays #VALUE!, say TRUE in cell B1. Here's my …

excel excel-formula
Excel: Search for a list of strings within a particular string using array formulas?

I want to search a cell for a list of words. I thought this would work as an array formula: {=…

excel search excel-formula find
Pass row number as variable in excel sheet

Suppose I have: a value of 5 in B1 I want to pass the number (5) in B1 as a row variable, …

excel excel-formula
In Excel, sum all values in one column in each row where another column is a specific value

I'm wondering if there is an easy way to do what I'm looking for. Basically, I have a balance sheet …

excel excel-formula
Return values from the row above to the current row

I am trying to do simple thing: I just need to set some cells to values that are on the …

excel excel-formula
Set formula to a range of cells

this is simple demo of what i want to do. I want to set a formula to a range of …

vba excel excel-formula
How to disable Excel's automatic cell reference change after copy/paste?

I've got a massive Excel 2003 spreadsheet I'm working on. There are a lot of very large formulas with a lot …

excel excel-formula reference cell copy-paste
How do I convert a calendar week into a date in Excel?

I have a week number and a year, and would like to calculate the date of the Monday for that …

excel date excel-formula