Top "Excel-formula" questions

This tag is for Microsoft Excel questions where the question or answers are specifically about the structure, syntax, or output of an Excel formula.

Retrieving Values From Excel Merged Columns

I'm doing a hlookup against a value that spans multiple columns. My data is similar to this: A B C …

excel formula excel-formula
Count Unique values with a condition

In column A I have list of different names. In column B, I have values either 0 or 1. I want to …

excel excel-formula formula pivot-table array-formulas
SUM the result of dividing two cells (SUMPRODUCT but division instead)

I'm looking to do the equivalent of SUMPRODUCT but with division. Is there a way to add the results from …

excel sum excel-formula
Conditional formatting if a cell does not equal one of three values

I have a dataset as below: I want to apply conditional formatting that will format a cell if the value …

excel excel-formula conditional-formatting
Excel: Check if Cell value exists in Column, and return a value in the same row but different column

After checking if a value exists in a column, I want to return the value of the cell in the …

match excel-formula vlookup
Decimal to binary conversion for large numbers in Excel

I have some large numbers in an Excel sheet and I want to convert them to binary. e.g. 12345678 965321458 -12457896

excel vba excel-formula
What Excel formula returns the sheet name?

I have searched the excel function documentation and general MSDN search but have been unable to find a way to …

excel-formula excel-2013
Multiple conditional formatting rules across multiple ranges?

I need to do the following. Highlight a row if cell E contains a number greater than 30 AND cell L …

excel excel-formula conditional-formatting
Excel: Formulas for converting data among column / row / matrix

Are there formulas to convert data in a column to a matrix or to a row? And to convert from/…

excel matrix excel-formula transpose
vlookup with multiple columns

I have the following formula in my B:B column =VLOOKUP(A1;'mySheet'!$A:$B;2;FALSE) It does output in …

excel excel-formula excel-2010 array-formulas