Top "Excel-formula" questions

This tag is for Microsoft Excel questions where the question or answers are specifically about the structure, syntax, or output of an Excel formula.

find a row index of a number that occurred first

I have A column that has values in random order like A column 2 3 4 2 5 6 4 3 4 I want the row index of a …

excel excel-formula
Format a time span as a number of days, hours and minutes

This is purely an Excel sheet question. I have a time span that is basically a difference between two cells, …

excel excel-formula
Microsoft Excel Can't insert new cells

I am receiving an error saying: Microsoft Excel can't insert new cells because it would push non empty cells off …

excel excel-formula excel-2010
SUMIF with OR criteria

How to use SUMIF formula in Excel cell that must sum over a given range and instead of finding for …

excel excel-formula
Excel: how do I remove all carriage returns from a cell?

I want to get rid of all the carriage returns in my cell. How do I do this?

excel excel-formula
Date comparison not working in Excel formula

If I put the date 31/12/2013 in A1 and another date 1/1/2014 in A2 then a formula like =A1<A2 gives …

Drag down formula and change ROW references instead of COLUMNS

In excel I have sheet1 contains total every month. (please see image below) Then in my sheet2 it will display …

excel excel-formula rows drag
Excel Q - SUMIFS with a 2 dimensional array

I have a 2-D array: dates on a horizontal axis and identification numbers on a vertical axis. I want the …

excel excel-formula excel-2010 vba
How do I convert a Unix epoch timestamp into a human readable date/time in Excel?

I have Excel documents containing Unix epoch timestamps from a Java application. I'd like to see what they translate to …

java excel datetime excel-formula
Getting the last non-empty cell in a row

I am having a lot of difficulty trying to come up with a way to 'parse' and 'order' my excel …

excel excel-formula