Top "Enzyme" questions

Unit test library for React.

Why do I need to wrap React/Enzyme state changes in act?

In my simple React/ReactDOM/Enzyme unit test I get a warning from ReactDOM about wrapping any mutations to state …

reactjs jestjs enzyme react-dom
Syntax Error when test component with SASS file imported

I'm trying test my React component with Jest + Enzyme, but when my component has SASS file (scss), is occurring SyntaxError. …

javascript unit-testing reactjs jestjs enzyme
React Jest how to test if a span contains some certain text from mount snapshot?

I am testing a component that does not have any id for me to be able to select from Jest, …

reactjs jestjs enzyme react-test-renderer
Is it possible to stub out or spy on the setState method in React when doing unit tests?

I have the following function in my component: method(args) { fetch(args) .then((response) => { this.setState({ element: response error: …

unit-testing reactjs sinon enzyme
`ReferenceError: Element is not defined` when running mocha tests on React+Onsenui app

While trying to setup a test environment I ran into the following problem. When I run the tests (using mocha ./…

reactjs mocha.js enzyme onsen-ui2
Testing react-router v4 with Jest and Enzyme

I have a simple app they use react-router v4 const App = () => ( <Switch> <Route exact path="/" component={() =&…

javascript reactjs jestjs enzyme react-router-v4
enzyme: TypeError: Adapter is not a constructor

Hi I was trying to test the react application With enzyme, But it throws an error TypeError: Adapter is not …

reactjs jestjs enzyme
How to use jest.spyOn with React function component using Typescript

I am developing a React app using Typescript, and hooks, and I am trying to use Enzyme with Jest to …

reactjs typescript jestjs enzyme ts-jest
What is the difference between Jest and enzyme?

I'm new to Unit testing. I want to test React project. As I started with React documentation which refers to …

javascript reactjs jasmine jestjs enzyme
How to unit test localStorage using sinon

I am trying to test localStorage using sinon. Basically I am very new to unit testing so this might be …

unit-testing reactjs sinon enzyme sinon-chai