Unit test library for React.
This is an example implementation: export class Person extends Component { componentDidMount() { const { onLoadProfile, onLoadPolicy, person } = this.props onLoadProfile(person.profile.…
reactjs react-redux jestjs enzymeMy Component looks like import React, {PropTypes} from 'react'; import TransactionListRow from './TransactionListRow'; import {Table, TableBody, TableHeader, TableHeaderColumn, TableRow} …
javascript reactjs material-ui enzymeI have a simple Todo component that utilizes react-redux hooks that I'm testing using enzyme but I'm getting either an …
reactjs testing redux react-redux enzymeI've got fairly simple react component (Link wrapper which adds 'active' class if route is active): import React, { PropTypes } from …
reactjs react-router enzymeI have a component that returns null in render under certain conditions: render() { if (this.props.isHidden) { return null; } return &…
javascript reactjs jestjs enzymeI'm trying to test a React-app with Jest. I use Enzyme's shallow to render my App.js component in App-test-js …
unit-testing reactjs jestjs enzymeMy React-application has a component that fetches data to display from a remote server. In the pre-hooks era, componentDidMount() was …
reactjs jestjs enzyme react-hooks react-test-rendererI am using Jest and Enzyme to test a React checkbox component. This is my test: it('triggers checkbox onChange …
javascript reactjs jestjs enzymeI'm writing some jest-enzyme tests for a simple React app using Typescript and the new React hooks. However, I can't …
typescript jestjs axios enzyme react-hooksGiven a simple component: export default class SearchForm extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { query: '' } } onSubmit = (event) =&…
reactjs unit-testing jestjs enzyme html5-history