Unit test library for React.
I am using Enzyme to unit test my React components. I understand that in order to test the raw unconnected …
unit-testing reactjs redux enzymeYesterday I upgraded my React project to v16.0, but I found that Enzyme had some problems Error: Enzyme Internal Error: …
reactjs enzymeI use axios-mock-adapter to mock my API, it works correctly but on one mock it returns a 404 error and I …
reactjs jestjs axios enzyme axios-mock-adapterWhat is the difference between enzyme, ReactTestUtils and react-testing-library for react testing? The ReactTestUtils documentation says: ReactTestUtils makes it easy …
reactjs enzyme react-testing-libraryI'm trying to figure out how to test an "onPress" event with Jest in a React-Native app so I can …
javascript unit-testing react-native jestjs enzymeI'm using Enzyme with enzyme-to-json to do Jest snapshot testing of my React components. I'm testing shallow snapshots of a …
javascript reactjs jestjs enzymeUsing enzyme, mocha and expect asserts. The aim of my unit test is to check that dispatch gets called with …
unit-testing reactjs redux mocha enzymeUsing the code from this answer to solve clicking outside of a component: componentDidMount() { document.addEventListener('mousedown', this.handleClickOutside); } componentWillUnmount() { …
javascript unit-testing reactjs jestjs enzymereact:16.3.0-alpha.1 jest: "22.3.0" enzyme: 3.3.0 typescript: 2.7.1 code: class Foo extends React.PureComponent<undefined,undefined>{ bar:number; async componentDidMount() { this.…
reactjs typescript jestjs enzyme