Passing an event object to enzyme .simulate

SeanPlusPlus picture SeanPlusPlus · May 11, 2017 · Viewed 21k times · Source

I am using Jest and Enzyme to test a React checkbox component.

This is my test:

it('triggers checkbox onChange event', () => {
  const configs = {
    default: true,
    label: 'My Label',
    element: 'myElement',
  const checkbox = shallow(

I get this error however when running the test:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'target' of undefined

This is the input for my component:

<div className="toggle-btn sm">
    className="toggle-input round" 
    defaultChecked={ this.props.defaultChecked } 
    onClick={ e => this.onChange( }

I think that I need to pass an event as the second object to simulate but I am not sure how to do this.



madox2 picture madox2 · May 11, 2017

simulate function takes other arguments which will be passed to the event handler. You can mock your event. E.g.:

const mockedEvent = { target: {} }
checkbox.find('input').simulate('click', mockedEvent)