I am testing a component that does not have any id for me to be able to select from Jest, my mounted component snapshot will be like
<div id='divHeader'>
style={Object {}}
style={Object {}}
This is an English text
So is there any way for me to verify that the text inside my span from the snapshot would contain the world English
, something like
widget = mount(<MyComponent {...defaultProp} />);
// widget.find('span').text.contains('English')
// widget.find('[id="divHeader"]').h2.span.text.contains('English')
I am having some trouble in the find
here where I know it can find the element by id, but unfortunately I cannot assign any id to my span, and even I can find my div by id, I cannot select its children element like div->h2->span...
find returns a ReactWrapper
like mount, so you can chain find calls.
For example, something like this.