Top "Electron" questions

Electron (formerly Atom Shell) is a framework created by GitHub that lets you write cross-platform desktop applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Where can I find the logs for my Electron app in production?

I've built an app with Electron and used Electron-Builder to create a Squirrel windows installer and updater. It all works …

logging electron electron-builder
electron 5.0.0 "Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined"

I had initially been using electron stable (4.x.x), and was able to use require in both my browser and …

javascript node.js electron require
Require nodejs "child_process" with TypeScript, SystemJS and Electron

I'm working on a simple nodejs electron (formerly known as atom shell) project. I'm writing it using angular 2, using the …

node.js typescript require electron systemjs
Uncaught TypeError: URL is not a constructor using WHATWG URL object support for electron

I am trying to read a file using WHATWG URL object support here and I am getting this error: Uncaught …

node.js url electron fs
'electron-packager' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I recently started using electron. I have successfully completed the 1st phase by creating a hello world app (included files …

npm electron electron-packager
Electron - Download a file to a specific location

I need to download a file to a specific location in my Electron program. I tried implementing this API but …

javascript download directory electron downloadfile
Creating an Electron app using Visual Studio (not VSCode) w/ Node.js tools

I'm trying to use Visual Studio (not VSCode) to create a simple Electron app. I'm doing so via the Node.…

node.js visual-studio electron
Requiring a JavaScript Node.js module in TypeScript (allowJs' is not set)

I have an Angular2 app inside Electron. Now, I would like to use the @pokusew/pcsclite library to use NFC …

javascript angular typescript electron pcsc
Electron Packager - set App Icons for OSX & Windows

I am building my electron application with electron packager for windows and OSX platform. package.json: "build": "electron-packager . $npm_package_…

node module version conflict when installing modules for electron

I'm trying to make an Electron application ( that reads data from my serial port. I'm new …

javascript node.js npm electron