Top "Pcsc" questions

PC/SC stands for "Personal Computer/Smart Card", and is a specification for integration of smart cards with personal computers.

APDU Command to read card number

I would like to know if it's possible to get a Debit/Credit Card number from a SmartCard, I' trying …

smartcard iso apdu pcsc emv
Architectures to access Smart Card from a generic browser? Or: How to bridge the gap from browser to PC/SC stack?

What are the possible client-side architectures to access a local Smart Card from a generic browser (connected to a server …

cross-browser smartcard pcsc
Requiring a JavaScript Node.js module in TypeScript (allowJs' is not set)

I have an Angular2 app inside Electron. Now, I would like to use the @pokusew/pcsclite library to use NFC …

javascript angular typescript electron pcsc
ATR command when programming PC/SC reader

I have checked the programming interface for the MIFARE Ultralight and TOPAZ/Jewel IC tags. The API quite nicely describes …

smartcard nfc smartcard-reader mifare pcsc
Accessing javax.smartcardio from Linux 64 bits

I'm trying to load the smartcard terminals using the javax.smartcardio API with the following code: public CardTerminal getReadyCardTerminal() throws …

java smartcard pcsc
Windows 7 interfering with smart cards

I have an application that uses the PC/SC API to communicate with smart cards. On Windows 7, I get strange …

windows-7 smartcard pcsc
Getting PCSC reader serial number with WinSCard

I have a problem with getting PCSC reader serial number if card is not present in the reader. I am …

windows serial-number pcsc winscard
Determine card type from ATR

Is it possible using ATR to determine whether I have ISO14443A or ISO14443B type card? If yes, how?

nfc smartcard rfid pcsc contactless-smartcard
Where can I find winscard.lib for PC/SC programming in VC++ 2010 (Win seven)?

I want to write a PC/SC application using VC++ 2010 in win7 x32 environment. My program fails to compile with …

visual-c++ smartcard smartcard-reader pcsc winscard