Top "Ecmascript-5" questions

ECMAScript is the name of the Ecma International Standard 262.

Can I disable ECMAscript strict mode for specific functions?

I don't find anything about my question here on MDC or the ECMAscript specifications. Probably somebody knows a more 'hacky' …

javascript ecmascript-5 ecma262 strict-mode
Why is there no forEach method on Object in ECMAScript 5?

ECMAScript 5's array.forEach(callback[, thisArg]) is very convenient to iterate on an array and has many advantage over the …

javascript foreach ecmascript-5
Accessors are only available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher

I am trying to run this code but it is giving me following errors: Animal.ts(10,13): error TS1056: Accessors are …

javascript typescript ecmascript-5 accessor
Why is delete not allowed in Javascript5 strict mode?

I'm fairly new to javascript. I noticed that apparently when operating in "use strict" mode, you can't delete objects. I'm …

javascript ecmascript-5 strict-mode
Difference between freeze and seal

I just heard about the JavaScript methods freeze and seal, which can be used to make any Object immutable. Here's …

javascript ecmascript-5
Angular equivalent of jQuery $.map?

I'm transitioning from relying on jQuery to building apps in AngularJS. It's recommended in a number of places to not …

javascript jquery angularjs ecmascript-5
What is the difference between 'let' and 'const' ECMAScript 2015 (ES6)?

I'm wondering what is the difference between let and const in ES6. Both of them are block scoped, as the …

javascript ecmascript-5 ecmascript-6
Why are Octal numeric literals not allowed in strict mode (and what is the workaround?)

Why are Octal numeric literals not allowed in JavaScript strict mode? What is the harm? In case a developer needs …

javascript ecmascript-5 octal strict-mode
How do I perform an export that is compatible with ES5 and ES6?

I'm writing a "class" in node // mymodule/index.js function MyClass() {} MyClass.prototype.method1 = function() {..} usually I do module.exports = …

javascript ecmascript-6 ecmascript-5
Browser support for array.includes and alternatives

I looked it up and found this regarding finding a substring in a larger string in an array. Array.Prototype.…

javascript arrays ecmascript-5 ecmascript-7