Top "Ecmascript-5" questions

ECMAScript is the name of the Ecma International Standard 262.

Is there any way to check if strict mode is enforced?

Is there anyway to check if strict mode 'use strict' is enforced , and we want to execute different code for …

javascript ecmascript-5 ecma262 strict-mode
when do you use Object.defineProperty()

I'm wondering when I should use Object.defineProperty to create new properties for an object. I'm aware that I'm able …

javascript ecmascript-5
How to provide ECMAScript 5 (ES 5)-shim?

ECMAScript Fifth Edition (released December 2009) introduces a bunch of new methods (see this table for details). However, there still are …

javascript html browser ecmascript-5 es5-shim
Object.keys() complexity?

Anyone know the time-complexity of ECMAScript5's Object.keys() in common implementations? Is it O(n) for n keys? Is …

javascript performance time-complexity ecmascript-5
Creating range in JavaScript - strange syntax

I've run into the following code in the es-discuss mailing list: Array.apply(null, { length: 5 }).map(, Number); This …

javascript ecmascript-5

I've got pretty interesting question about EcmaScript-5 Function.prototype.bind implementation. Usually when you use bind, you do it this …

javascript function bind ecmascript-5
Shim vs. Sham: What is the difference?

What is the difference between a shim an a sham? Is it enough to include es5-shim.min.js and …

javascript ecmascript-5 ecmascript-6 polyfills
Is it possible to use ES5 JavaScript with Angular 2 instead of TypeScript?

Is it needed to learn TypeScript for Angular 2? Can Angular 2 be used with plain JavaScript ? Edit: I've seen that the …

javascript ecmascript-5 angular
Motive behind strict mode syntax error when deleting an unqualified identifier?

I'm having trouble understanding why, in strict mode, a syntax error occurs when delete is used on an unqualified identifier. …

javascript ecmascript-5
What's the current status of Javascript ES5?

What browsers / engines already support ES5 [strict]?

javascript ecmascript-5