Top "Eclipse-kepler" questions

Kepler is the code name for Eclipse version 4.3 that was released on June 26, 2013.

How to remove error Eclipse project indicator if I don't have any error?

I'm having an indication that my project has errors but I don't get any error in any file. That indication …

eclipse ide eclipse-kepler
ANTLR4 Parser, Visitor not created

I'm new to ANTLR and trying to write grammar in ANTLR4 without any prior brush with the previous version. I'm …

java parsing antlr4 eclipse-kepler
Not able to install PMD in Eclipse Kepler

I have installed PMD in Eclipse Kepler using Eclipse market place. But I am unable to access it after the …

eclipse pmd eclipse-kepler
Eclipse Kepler startup error "NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Display"

I am using Eclipse Kepler 64-bit and Sun JDK 1.7.0_25 64-bit on Ubuntu 64-bit. Eclipse worked when I had JDK 1.6 but …

java eclipse eclipse-kepler
ParamConverterProvider method return type mismatch

In the below code snippet I keep receiving the following error in the Provider class. Type mismatch: cannot convert from …

jax-rs java-7 eclipse-kepler jersey-2.0
Eclipse keeps crunching while "updating rpm packages proposal list"

I've recently installed Eclipse Kepler CDT on a Win7 64 machine. It runs fine (well, sort of), but - it keeps …

eclipse windows-7 eclipse-cdt eclipse-kepler