ANTLR4 Parser, Visitor not created

Pacu picture Pacu · Jan 19, 2014 · Viewed 7.9k times · Source

I'm new to ANTLR and trying to write grammar in ANTLR4 without any prior brush with the previous version. I'm following the book 'The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference'. I use Eclipse and installed ANTLR4 IDE as given in here. I wrote the following grammar in Expr.g4:

grammar Expr;

import Common;

language = Java;
prog: stat+;

stat: expr NEWLINE
    | ID '=' expr NEWLINE
    | NEWLINE;

expr: expr ('/'|'*') expr
    | expr ('+'|'-') expr
    | INT
    | ID
    | '('expr')';

The Common.g4 contains the following:

lexer grammar Common;

ID: [A-Za-z]+;
INT: [0-9]+;
NEWLINE: '\r'?'\n';
WS: [\t]+ -> skip;

The was created but not and and other base file. Please help me fix the problem. Thanks in advance.


A.Thabet picture A.Thabet · Jun 29, 2016

In fact I had the same problem once, I used to integrate two G4 files within the same project the first one generated Visitor but the second didn't.

Then I realized that each G4 file has its own configuration for code generation that you can change by:

  1. Right click on the G4 file then Run As
  2. Choose External tool configuration
  3. Change the no-visitor to visitor, you can do the same for listener.

Now the Visitor file is generated.