Top "Eclipse-kepler" questions

Kepler is the code name for Eclipse version 4.3 that was released on June 26, 2013.

Eclipse Kepler and JBoss Wildfly hot deployment

I am trying to use eclipse kepler for Java EE 7.I already installed JBoss Tools and added JBoss Wildfly successfully …

eclipse eclipse-kepler jboss-tools wildfly
Cannot search for artifact in Eclipse Kepler using m2e plugin

I tried the new Eclipse Kepler that already comes with a maven plugin. But when I want to add a …

eclipse maven m2e eclipse-kepler
Eclipse building workspace hangs after importing existing maven project because of JavaScript validation

When running Eclipse Kepler and importing an existing Maven project, Eclipse hangs during "Building Workspace (XX%)". Switching to the Progress …

javascript eclipse validation eclipse-kepler
Can't find the marketplace in Eclipse Kepler

I'm working with a fresh copy of Eclipse Kepler but I'm unable to find the marketplace. I know it's normally …

eclipse eclipse-kepler eclipse-marketplace
Why does Eclipse Kepler SR1 error with : JAX-RS 2.0 requires Java 1.7 or newer

I have a maven project that give the following two errors JAX-RS (REST Web Services) 2.0 can not be installed : One …

eclipse jax-rs eclipse-kepler
Selected SVN connector library is not available

When trying to connect to my team's svn repo, I'm getting this error. SVN: '0x0040010b: Obtain Project Name' …

eclipse svn eclipse-kepler
shortcut not working in eclipse

I am using ECLIPSE KEPLER for java programing. When I press (Ctrl+Z) it working fine and easily undo the …

eclipse keyboard-shortcuts eclipse-kepler
Ant not working in Eclipse Kepler (Java Virtual Machine Launcher - A Java Exception has occured)

I recently upgraded to Eclipse Kepler, and am having issues with Ant. I am getting the Java Virtual Machine Launcher …

java eclipse ant eclipse-kepler
No marketplace entries found to handle Execution

I am trying to import a maven project to eclipse with M2eclipse plugin installed on. I get this 2 errors: "…

maven eclipse-plugin m2eclipse eclipse-kepler
Eclipse Kepler auto exit on loading workbench with error

When i start eclipse, on splash loading window, eclise auto exit with error: !SESSION 2013-09-05 14:52:04.771 ----------------------------------------------- eclipse.buildId=4.3.0.I20130605…

eclipse eclipse-kepler