Top "Eclipse-kepler" questions

Kepler is the code name for Eclipse version 4.3 that was released on June 26, 2013.

How to open two side by side window in eclipse kepler

Can someone tell me how to open two or more file editor in eclipse kepler? In before version like helios …

Cannot install Cobertura plugin for Eclipse

I am getting following error message when I tried to install cobertura plugin in eclipse kepler (java/j2ee version) …

eclipse code-coverage eclipse-kepler cobertura eclipse-luna
How do i uninstall m2e in eclipse kepler

I just download eclipse kelper and found out the m2e and m2e-wtp plugins had been installed,and the …

m2e eclipse-kepler m2e-wtp
How to attach the console in eclipse?

In eclipse the console is somehow undocked. Now it's appearing like below : How to attach it to the window? I …

eclipse console eclipse-kepler
Eclipse hangs on copy/cut for JavaScript files

I have Eclipse Kepler and NodeEclipse plugin installed. For NodeEclipse's performance reasons I have disabled content assistant for JavaScript files. …

javascript eclipse node.js eclipse-kepler nodeclipse
How to remove EGIT from Eclipse Kepler?

I'm using the J2EE bundle of Eclipse Kepler, and I'm working with Git. I'm also using git-extension as a …

java egit eclipse-kepler
Reset Eclipse perspective layout

I've just updated from Eclipse Juno to Kepler. What happened to the Eclipse perspective layout and how can I restore …

eclipse layout eclipse-juno perspective eclipse-kepler
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration

Beginner of Spring Background : So far, i have been working on core JAVA and now i need to switch to …

spring maven spring-mvc pom.xml eclipse-kepler
Difference Between Eclipse Juno and Eclipse Kepler

What is the difference between eclipse juno and eclipse kepler, I have done a web project in juno. can I …

java eclipse eclipse-kepler
how to configure maven to add junit 4.10 instead of 3.8 dependency in new project

When i am creating a new maven project in eclipse kepler, eclipse automatically adds junit 3.8 dependency in pom.xml like &…

java eclipse junit maven-3 eclipse-kepler