Top "Eclipse-kepler" questions

Kepler is the code name for Eclipse version 4.3 that was released on June 26, 2013.

Eclipse: javac: target release 1.6 conflicts with default source release 1.7

I am trying to perform a build on Eclipse Kepler but when I do so I get the following error …

java eclipse eclipse-kepler
aspectj-maven-plugin not covered by lifecycle in Kepler

I've just downloaded the OEPE (Kepler) and installed m2e and m2e-wtp connectors. I found out that under this …

maven aspectj lifecycle eclipse-kepler
Sticky tag for file is not a branch - CVS

I'm trying to commit my changes to the repository server (using CVS) in Eclipse Kepler, but when I do I …

java eclipse version-control cvs eclipse-kepler
Eclipse error upon start up

Eclipse won't work after my PC shutdown unexpectedly. Here is the error that corresponds to the log file written when …

eclipse eclipse-kepler
Eclipse - Reference to undefined variable jrebel_args

After uninstalling JRebel from Eclipse Kepler (on Ubuntu 12.04), when I try to run my web app on server I get …

eclipse jrebel eclipse-kepler
Unable to import mockito in Eclipse - disappeared immediately

I am trying to do a mock test of my code with mockito. In my POM.xml, the following dependency …

eclipse junit mockito eclipse-kepler
Eclipse: How to install uml2 Tools SDK in Eclipse 4.3 (kepler)?

I have tried to install UML2 Tools SDK plugin according to this tutorial in Eclipse 4.3 (kepler) version. I am working …

eclipse eclipse-plugin uml eclipse-kepler
Eclipse Kepler Crashes on Start up only shows splash screen

I currently am using Eclipse Kepler on Windows 7. Previously I could get to the workspace screen to apply which workspace …

eclipse window eclipse-kepler
Eclipse - Glassfish 4 Debugging startup timeout

Glassfish 4.0 final gives a timeout everytime I try to start it in Debug mode. The normal run on server (from …

eclipse-kepler glassfish-4
How to manually install JAutodoc in eclipse kepler?

I do not have access to the internet from eclipse so I can not add software using update sites. I …

eclipse-kepler jautodoc