Top "Doctrine" questions

The Doctrine Project is a collection of open source libraries and tools for dealing with database abstraction and Object-Relational Mapping written in PHP.

Deprecation: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\UnderscoreNamingStrategy without making it number aware is deprecated

I'm using Symfony 4.3.8 and I can't find any information about thoses deprecations : User Deprecated: Creating Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\UnderscoreNamingStrategy without …

symfony doctrine-orm doctrine
Better to use DQL for getting Column Count or Get Collection Then Count?

I am quite sure that DQL will be the way to go, but I am wondering if Doctrine, i am …

doctrine doctrine-orm dql
Symfony2 subquery within Doctrine entity manager

I need to perform this query: SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM product WHERE car = 'large' ORDER BY onSale DESC) AS product_…

doctrine symfony entitymanager query-builder
Symfony how to return all logged in Active Users

I want to return all Logged in users of my application and render it in my Dashboard. The user_id …

php symfony doctrine symfony-2.3
php/symfony/doctrine memory leak?

I'm having problems with a batch insertion of objects into a database using symfony 1.4 and doctrine 1.2. My model has a …

php memory-leaks symfony1 doctrine
Symfony 4 Doctrine not working from console [2002] No such file or directory

I´m working with symfony 4 and this error ocurr when runnning doctrine console commands: In AbstractMySQLDriver.php line 108: An exception …

php symfony doctrine symfony4 symfony-flex
Check for table existence before dropping?

I'm trying to check for the existence of a table before dropping it. I've read through the API documentation for …

doctrine doctrine-1.2
Symfony2 entityManager in model

I'm going to use entity_manager in my model. But entity_manager is only available in controller: throw $em = $this-&…

model-view-controller symfony doctrine entitymanager
Doctrine does not update a simple array type field

Short Story (Edit) It is possible to store an array instead of a mapped association. In Symfony2, this is fairly …

php symfony doctrine doctrine-orm symfony-forms
Ignore duplicates when using INSERT in a Database with Symfony and Doctrine

I have a table CREATE TABLE `sob_tags_articles` ( `tag_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `article_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `id` …

php mysql symfony1 doctrine symfony-1.4