Top "Symfony-flex" questions

Symfony Flex is a Composer plugin that helps developers install and manage Symfony applications, from the most simple micro-style projects to the more complex ones with dozens of dependencies.

Symfony 4 - Service removed or inlined though it is public

I'm trying to migrate a SF 3.3 app to SF 4 with its new directory structure and everything. I'm struggling on this …

symfony dependency-injection symfony4 symfony-flex
Symfony 4 Doctrine not working from console [2002] No such file or directory

I´m working with symfony 4 and this error ocurr when runnning doctrine console commands: In AbstractMySQLDriver.php line 108: An exception …

php symfony doctrine symfony4 symfony-flex
Symfony Flex: What does symfony.lock file do?

After installing symfony/serializer I recognized that my symfony.lock file got changed: diff --git a/symfony.lock b/symfony.…

php symfony symfony4 symfony-flex