Top "Symfony-1.4" questions

Questions about Symfony version 1.4, a PHP framework by Sensio Labs.

How to use Sessions in Symfony?

Like in classic PHP we use the magic variables to start and create sessions, so how to do that in …

php symfony symfony1 symfony-1.4
How to query NOT NULL with Doctrine?

I have table Test: Test: id | name 1 | aaa 2 | 3 | ccc 4 | aaa 5 | 6 | ddd I want result where name is NOT NULL: aaa …

php symfony1 doctrine symfony-1.4 doctrine-1.2
change month name to french

I have this code: <?php echo "'".$sgps_newsletter->getEmail()."' demande en ".date('d.M.Y', strtotime($…

php symfony-1.4
Swift Mailer Delivery Status

Does anyone know if SwiftMailer send function returns delivery status? I would like to be able to know that email …

php symfony1 symfony-1.4 swiftmailer
Symfony 1.4 using deprecated functions in php 5.5

I recently upgraded PHP from version 5.3.27 to 5.5.0. Everything is working fine in my Symfony 2.3.2 project, and I can enjoy the …

php preg-replace symfony-1.4 preg-replace-callback
How can I get current URI from Symfony 1.4?

I am new to symfony. How can I get from Symfony 1.4 the URI path ? I have tryied like that: sfContext::…

symfony1 symfony-1.4
how to add an attachment to an email in Symfony?

I want to add an attachment to an email. I am using sfmailer class. Here I have given my code …

php email symfony1 symfony-1.4 swiftmailer
Reverse the order of a Doctrine_Collection

I'm looking for a clean way to reverse the order of a Doctrine_Collection. I know it sounds weird, so …

php doctrine symfony-1.4
Symfony: pass parameter between actions (with a redirect)

I am redirecting from one action (executeProcess) to another (executeIndex). I want to be able to pass a parameter/variable …

parameter-passing symfony-1.4
Symfony 1.4 - How to set default values on sfWidgetFormChoice (checkboxes)

The following code creates a field with multiple checkboxes. How do I set the default values of these checkboxes? new …

symfony-1.4 symfony-forms