I am redirecting from one action (executeProcess) to another (executeIndex). I want to be able to pass a parameter/variable along, without using GET (e.g. $this->redirect('index', array('example'=>'true'))
Is there a way I can directly pass parameters without having it directly displayed in the URL? (e.g. POST). thanks.
Why dont you use sessions to store values before redirecting, and then getting them on the other action after you redirected? like:
class ActionClass1 extendes sfActions
public function executeAction1(sfWebRequest $request)
[..]//Do Some stuff
class ActionClass2 extends sfActions
public function executeAction2(sfWebRequest $request)
$this->other_action_var = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('var');
//Now we need to remove it so this dont create any inconsistence
//regarding user navigation
[...]//Do some stuff