Top "Symfony-1.4" questions

Questions about Symfony version 1.4, a PHP framework by Sensio Labs.

How do I retain the Original Filename After upload in Symfony

Users from the backend application can upload files and publish them to the frontend. Using sfWidgetFormInputFile and sfValidatorFile, I would …

php file-upload symfony1 symfony-1.4
Ignore duplicates when using INSERT in a Database with Symfony and Doctrine

I have a table CREATE TABLE `sob_tags_articles` ( `tag_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `article_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `id` …

php mysql symfony1 doctrine symfony-1.4
Render a partial from a task in Symfony 1.4

I'm trying to render a partial in a Symfony task and having no luck. I found docs in 1.1 that say …

symfony1 symfony-1.4 simple-machines-forum
Swiftmailer Caught exception: Expected response code 250 but got code "", with message ""

I'm having trouble in symfony 1.4 swiftmailer . When I try to use sendmail function() I got error code : Caught exception: Expected …

php symfony-1.4 swiftmailer
Bad search filter on LDAP when trying to get user data

I am fresh out of the box here with LDAP, so let me know if I am doing this in …

php ldap symfony-1.4 ldap-query
Symfony - Is it possible to disable output escaping per module (or per template)?

I'm trying to output some HTML in an XML template and Symfony's escaping method is messing it up. So I …

php symfony1 symfony-1.4
How to order by multiple columns with propel

I need to sort a query by 2 columns. Is this possible using propel? i tried: $c->addAscendingOrderByColumn(self::COL1); $…

symfony-1.4 propel
Symfony 1.4: Best way provide a file download without using a template/view

Of cource some other people have discussed these problem on stackoverflow, but not all ansers works for me and often …

php symfony1 symfony-1.4
How to format a getUpdatedAt() kind of date in Symfony?

I'd like to change the formatting of a date in Symfony 1.4 The default one being: <?php echo $question->…

php date symfony1 symfony-1.4
SQL query with UNION in Doctrine Symfony

I have a question about the translation of a SQL query in Doctrine Symfony. I would like to do a …

sql doctrine pagination symfony-1.4