The Doctrine Project is a collection of open source libraries and tools for dealing with database abstraction and Object-Relational Mapping written in PHP.
How do I use Unix timestamps with the Doctrine Timestampable behavior? I found the following code snippet here, but I'd …
php doctrine epoch unix-timestampI'm using Doctrine 1.2 with Symfony 1.4. Let's say I have a User model, which has one Profile. These are defined as: …
join symfony1 doctrine calculated-columns doctrine-1.2I have a form to create a new entity. That entity has a collection of other entities that are also …
validation symfony collections doctrine one-to-manydoctrine /** * @var integer $id * * @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer") * @ORM\Id * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO") */ protected $id; /** * @var string $…
postgresql doctrine dbalI'm using FOSElasticaBundle and Doctrine in my project, and my code works for the selective index update using the Doctrine …
symfony doctrine symfony-2.4 foselasticabundleif i have a many to many relationship between posts and tags, how do i select posts that contain a …
doctrine dqlI have a very simple entity(WpmMenu) that holds menu items connected to one another in a self-referencing relationship (adjecent …
php symfony orm doctrine query-builderI have a Doctrine fetch statement like this $query = "SELECT id FROM table LIMIT 2"; $result = $db->fetchAll($query); which …
php mysql pdo doctrine doctrine-queryWhat's your experience with doctrine? I've never been much of an ORM kind of guy, I mostlymanaged with just some …
php orm doctrine-orm doctrine