Database Abstraction Layer for Doctrine ORM (PHP)
In doctrine DBAL2 when I execute a query like this: <?php $connection = $this->getDatabaseConnection(); $sql = "SELECT page_url …
php pdo doctrine-orm dbalUsing the example docs, I was able to get a query like this to work. SELECT, …
php mysql doctrine-orm dbalI am actually stuck in 3-tier structure. I surfed the internet and found two terminologies "Database Abstraction Layer" & "Data …
data-access-layer 3-tier dbal doctrine-dbalI'm still working on PHP unit tests for testing my symfony2 controllers. My test classes are derivations of WebTestCase and …
doctrine-orm phpunit webtest dbaldoctrine /** * @var integer $id * * @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer") * @ORM\Id * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO") */ protected $id; /** * @var string $…
postgresql doctrine dbalFirst of all, I just want to mention that this is not an "issue" at all. Deleting with Doctrine DBAL …
php doctrine-orm silex dbalI'd like to add my SSL cert and key files to Doctrine DBAL configuration but I don't see how to …
symfony pdo doctrine-orm yaml dbal