The Doctrine Project is a collection of open source libraries and tools for dealing with database abstraction and Object-Relational Mapping written in PHP.
I am developing with symfony 1.4 and using Doctrine ORM. After building schema and models i've got some classes for work …
php orm doctrine symfony-1.4 doctrine-1.2I have a query : $q->andWhere($q->getRootAlias().'.is_published = ?', 1); $q->andWhere($q->getRootAlias().…
sql doctrine doctrine-1.2I have table with 100 000+ rows, and I want to select all of it in doctrine and to do some actions …
php symfony doctrine-orm doctrine adodb-phpI'm trying to automatically order the results of a report by the ManyToMany annotation @OrderBy: /** * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Artist", inversedBy="…
symfony doctrine-orm doctrine symfony-2.31.) The Situation (simplified) I have two entities: a Container-entity, which has exactly 1 Content-entity. The content_id is stored in the …
symfony doctrine-orm doctrine symfony-forms symfony-2.4I get a strange error when I execute this DQL query: SELECT u FROM User u LEFT JOIN u.schedule …
doctrine doctrine-orm dqlI want to set null to a field in doctrine and here is the sentence $em = $this->getDoctrine()-&…
php symfony doctrine-orm doctrine query-builderI am new to Symfony2 in general. This issue relates to Doctrine and FOSUserBundle though. I have the following User.…
php symfony orm doctrine fosuserbundleI'm working with Doctrine 2 as an ORM for Slim 3 but I keep getting stuck in the object mapping section when …
php symfony doctrine-orm doctrine slimIm using the Doctrine Query Builder, and have a very specific requirement that came through. I am using the ManyToMany …
symfony doctrine-orm doctrine many-to-many doctrine-query