Top "Django-signals" questions

Django signals allow listeners to be registered for events within the framework.

Django: How to access original (unmodified) instance in post_save signal

I want to do a data denormalization for better performance, and put a sum of votes my blog post receives …

python django postgresql denormalization django-signals
when to use pre_save, save, post_save in django?

I see I can override or define pre_save, save, post_save to do what I want when a model …

python django django-models django-signals
RemovedInDjango19Warning: Model doesn't declare an explicit app_label

Have gone through Django 1.9 deprecation warnings app_label but answers couldn't fix my problem, so asking again. I have an …

python django django-signals django-apps deprecation-warning
Django signals vs. overriding save method

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this. Right now I have some models that looks kind of like this: …

python django django-models django-signals
Using Pre_delete Signal in django

In my app I want to keep a track of all the questions that are being deleted. And so I …

python django django-models django-signals
Django post_save preventing recursion without overriding model save()

There are many Stack Overflow posts about recursion using the post_save signal, to which the comments and answers are …

python django django-signals
Django - signals. Simple examples to start

I am new to Django and I'm not able to understand how to work with Django signals. Can anyone please …

python django django-signals
Prevent delete in Django model

I have a setup like this (simplified for this question): class Employee(models.Model): name = models.CharField(name, unique=True) …

python django django-models django-signals
How to delete files from filesystem using post_delete - Django 1.8

I have a model - Product, which contains a thumbnail image. I have another model which contains images associated with …

django django-signals django-uploads
How to use django-notification to inform a user when somebody comments on their post

I have been developing in django for sometime now, and have developed a neat website having functionality such as writing …

python django django-signals django-apps django-notification