Top "Django-apps" questions

Django apps are reusable collections of django code that use the ORM layer.

Is there a naming convention for Django apps

Is there a preferred naming convention for creating a Django app consisting of more than one word? For instance, which …

django naming-conventions django-apps
Cannot import models from another app in Django

so I have 2 apps running in the same project. My files are structured as follows: /project_codebase /project …

python django django-apps
Sharing models between Django apps

I will be brief: to work in the spirit and idea of a Django app, it is ok for an …

django django-models django-apps
RemovedInDjango19Warning: Model doesn't declare an explicit app_label

Have gone through Django 1.9 deprecation warnings app_label but answers couldn't fix my problem, so asking again. I have an …

python django django-signals django-apps deprecation-warning
How to keep all my django applications in specific folder

I have a Django project, let's say "project1". Typical folder structure for applications is: /project1/ /app1/ /app2/ ... manage.…

python django django-apps
How to use django-notification to inform a user when somebody comments on their post

I have been developing in django for sometime now, and have developed a neat website having functionality such as writing …

python django django-signals django-apps django-notification
Django: best practice for splitting up project into apps

I'm really struggling with this whole app-idea. I read a lot of tutorials and style guides and I know I …

django django-apps
Moving django apps into subfolder and error

I have a question about putting django apps into "apps" subdirectory. I have the app called “faktura” in a project_…

django django-apps django-settings
How to add categories at my django blog

I developed a django blog application using tutorial. I am trying to add a blog category but I …

django python-3.x django-models django-apps
Why are "Models aren't loaded yet"?

I am trying to install django-registration-redux with a customUser. I have included this in my AUTH_USER_MODEL = …

python django django-apps