Top "Django-signals" questions

Django signals allow listeners to be registered for events within the framework.

Django post_save() signal implementation

I have a question about django. I have ManyToMany Models here class Product(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=255) …

python django django-models django-signals
TransactionManagementError "You can't execute queries until the end of the 'atomic' block" while using signals, but only during Unit Testing

I am getting TransactionManagementError when trying to save a Django User model instance and in its post_save signal, I'm …

python django unit-testing django-signals
What are the options for overriding Django's cascading delete behaviour?

Django models generally handle the ON DELETE CASCADE behaviour quite adequately (in a way that works on databases that don't …

django django-signals cascading-deletes
django - comparing old and new field value before saving

I have a django model, and I need to compare old and new values of field BEFORE saving. I've tried …

python django django-signals
Raise 404 and continue the URL chain

I've got a URLs pattern like this: urlpatterns = ( url(r'^$', list_titles, name='list'), url(r'^(?P<tag&…

django django-urls django-views django-signals
The right place to keep my file in a Django project

Based on Django's documentation I was reading, it seems like in the app folder is a good place …

django django-signals
django post_save signals on update

I am trying to set up some post_save receivers similar to the following @receiver(post_save, sender=Game, dispatch_…

django django-signals
django - signals not working

I am trying to create activity streams of users from their status. models: class Status(models.Model): body = models.TextField(…

django django-signals
Identify the changed fields in django post_save signal

I'm using django's post_save signal to execute some statements after saving the model. class Mode(models.Model): name = models.…

django django-models django-signals
Django: how can I tell if the post_save signal triggers on a new object?

I need to do some background post-processing on newly created objects in Django. This post-processing should only run on new …

django django-signals