Top "Django-signals" questions

Django signals allow listeners to be registered for events within the framework.

Django: Obtaining the absolute URL without access to a request object

I have a model like the one below. When an instance is created, I want to send out an e-mail …

python django django-signals django-settings
Django REST Framework: return 404 (not 400) on POST if related field does not exist?

I'm developing a REST API which takes POST requests from some really brain-dead software which can't PATCH or anything else. …

python django django-rest-framework django-signals
How do I mock a django signal handler?

I have a signal_handler connected through a decorator, something like this very simple one: @receiver(post_save, sender=User, …

python django mocking signals django-signals
How to use Django model inheritance with signals?

I have a few model inheritance levels in Django: class WorkAttachment(models.Model): """ Abstract class that holds all fields that …

python django django-signals
How can I have a Django signal call a model method?

Maybe it's just late, but I cannot figure out why this isn't working. When I have a post_save signal …

python django django-models django-signals
How do I prevent fixtures from conflicting with django post_save signal code?

In my application, I want to create entries in certain tables when a new user signs up. For instance, I …

python django signals fixtures django-signals
How To Run Arbitrary Code After Django is "Fully Loaded"

I need to perform some fairly simple tasks after my Django environment has been "fully loaded". More specifically I need …

python django monkeypatching django-signals
Django - Check diference between old and new value when overriding save method

thanks for your time. I'm on Django 1.4, and I have the following code: Its the overriden save method for my …

django orm django-models django-signals
Save the related objects before the actual object being edited on django admin

Is it possible to save the related objects before the actual object being edited on a django admin form? For …

django django-models django-admin django-signals
Trigering post_save signal only after transaction has completed

I have written some APIs, for which the respective functions executive inside a transaction block. I am calling the save() …

django api django-models transactions django-signals