Top "Division" questions

In mathematics, division (÷) is an arithmetic elementary operation.

converting int to real in sqlite

Division in sqlite return integer value sqlite> select totalUsers/totalBids from (select (select count(*) from Bids) as totalBids , (select …

sql sqlite casting division
Which is better option to use for dividing an integer number by 2?

Which of the following techniques is the best option for dividing an integer by 2 and why? Technique 1: x = x >&…

c++ c optimization division micro-optimization
Why does integer division code give the wrong answer?

I have a very simple division in Java (it's a product quantity / production per hour), however whenever I make this …

java floating-point division integer-division
C integer division and floor

In C, is there a difference between integer division a/b and floor(a/b) where both a and b …

c integer division integer-division floor
python: getting around division by zero

I have a big data set of floating point numbers. I iterate through them and evaluate np.log(x) for …

python numpy division
Mod division of two integers

I keep getting the error "The operator % is undefined for the argument type(s) Integer, Integer" I am not quite …

java division modular-arithmetic
Non-restoring division algorithm

Does anyone know the steps for dividing unsigned binary integers using non-restoring division? It's hard to find any good sources …

algorithm binary division bits addition
Check if a number is divisible by 3

Write code to determine if a number is divisible by 3. The input to the function is a single bit, 0 or 1, …

puzzle division modulo
Why does dividing a float by an integer return 0.0?

So if I have a range of numbers '0 - 1024' and I want to bring them into '0 - 255…

java math division integer-division
Divide ndarray by scalar - Numpy / Python

I'm just wondering how could I do such thing without using loops. I made a simple test trying to call …

python numpy matrix division