Top "Division" questions

In mathematics, division (÷) is an arithmetic elementary operation.

Is multiplication and division using shift operators in C actually faster?

Multiplication and division can be achieved using bit operators, for example i*2 = i<<1 i*3 = (i<<1) + i; …

c++ c division multiplication bit-shift
Make division by zero equal to zero

How can I ignore ZeroDivisionError and make n / 0 == 0?

python division zero
Integer division in Java

This feels like a stupid question, but I can't find the answer anywhere in the Java documentation. If I declare …

java math int division
Division in Haskell

I'm making a function in Haskell that halves only the evens in a list and I am experiencing a problem. …

haskell division
How to divide numbers without remainder in PHP?

How does one divide numbers but exclude the remainder in PHP?

php math division
Division ( / ) not giving my answer in postgresql

I have a table software and columns in it as dev_cost, sell_cost. If dev_cost is 16000 and sell_…

sql postgresql division modulo
Division without using '/'

Can anyone tell me an efficient approach to perform the division operation without using '/'. I can calculate the …

algorithm bit-manipulation division
How to use division in JavaScript

I want to divide a number in JavaScript and it would return a decimal value. For example: 737/1070 - I want …

javascript division
Converting KB to MB, GB, TB dynamically

public String size(int size){ String hrSize = ""; int k = size; double m = size/1024; double g = size/1048576; double t = size/1073741824; DecimalFormat …

java int double division operation
Division in C++ not working as expected

I was working on something else, but everything came out as zero, so I made this minimalistic example, and the …

c++ division