Top "Division" questions

In mathematics, division (÷) is an arithmetic elementary operation.

Assembly mod algorithm on processor with no division operator

I need to implement a simple macro that finds the modulo of two numbers on a processor that doesn't have …

algorithm assembly division
using 2's complement to perform binary division for signed number

first of all this is not a duplicate question of this one because it's already not answered this part. as …

binary division twos-complement digital-logic
Python 2.6.5: Divide timedelta with timedelta

I'm trying to divide one timedelta object with another to calculate a server uptime: >>> import datetime >&…

python division timedelta
VB.NET vs C# integer division

Anyone care to explain why these two pieces of code exhibit different results? VB.NET v4.0 Dim p As Integer = 16 …

c# .net operators division
When and why do we sign extend and use cdq with mul/div?

I had a test todayand the only question I didn't understand involved converting a doubleword to a quad word. That …

assembly x86 division integer-division sign-extension
Division of integers returns 0

I feel like I'm missing something obvious. I am trying to test out the distribution of random(). Here is the …

sql postgresql division
Java: How do I perform integer division that rounds towards -Infinity rather than 0?

(note: not the same as this other question since the OP never explicitly specified rounding towards 0 or -Infinity) JLS 15.17.2 says …

java math integer division
Is divmod() faster than using the % and // operators?

I remember from assembly that integer division instructions yield both the quotient and remainder. So, in python will the built-in …

python performance division modulus divmod
Evenly divide a dollar amount (decimal) by an integer

I need to write an accounting routine for a program I am building that will give me an even division …

c# division accounting
Differences between Numpy divide and Python divide?

What are the similarities and differences between numpy.divide and the Python slash / operator? As far as I can tell …

python numpy division elementwise-operations