The modulo (sometimes called modulus) operation finds the remainder of division of one number by another.
What does the % in a calculation? I can't seem to work out what it does. Does it work out a …
python python-2.7 syntax operators moduloAs an example in pseudocode: if ((a mod 2) == 0) { isEven = true; } else { isEven = false; }
java moduloIn JavaScript, how do I get: The whole number of times a given integer goes into another? The remainder?
javascript math modulo integer-divisionI have numbers like 1100, 1002, 1022 etc. I would like to have the individual digits, for example for the first number 1100 I …
java integer moduloI don't really understand how modulus division works. I was calculating 27 % 16 and wound up with 11 and I don't understand why. …
language-agnostic math modulo divisionI'm embarrassed to ask such a simple question. My term does not start for two more weeks so I can't …
moduloI'm trying a line like this: for i in {1..600}; do wget $i % 5; done; What I'm …
bash modulo arithmetic-expressionsI'm looking for an explanation of how a hash table works - in plain English for a simpleton like me! …
data-structures hash hashtable moduloIn the tutorial there is an example for finding prime numbers: >>> for n in range(2, 10): ... for x …
python operators modulo