Top "" questions

The purpose of this library is to allow access to Microsoft's DirectShow functionality from within .NET applications.

C# + DirectShow.NET = Simple WebCam access?

I have found an example for accessing a webcam in C#. The example uses the DirectShow.NET library. I have …

c# directshow webcam
Capturing frames from webcam using DirectShow.NET

I am new at DirectShow, so some parts of this library i don't understand well. I already see the example …

c# .net webcam
Preview a camera in DirectShow and capture a still image - in

I am trying to write a program in Visual Studio 2008 that will access a webcam, show a preview on the … webcam directshow
Simulate a DirectShow Webcam

I am a developer in DotNet. I want to give skype a possibility to add a webcam simulator and send …

.net directx directshow
How to create audio spectrum in c#

I want to make an audio player in c# with signal spectrum. I saw some examples in the net about …

c# .net audio
How To Get A List Of Available Video Capture Devices

I am creating a project using DirectShow.Net that shows a preview of a webcam view within a windows form …

c# c++ .net directshow
DirectShow Library-How to capture image using directshow library without showing the webcam live images on the PictureBox or Panel

I am using WPF application which is using DirectShow library and it is working fine for grabbing images or recording …

c# wpf winforms directshow
Accessing USB camera controls with AForge

I have a project where i need to work with a USB camera to process images aquired at a very …

c# aforge
How to access an audio stream using DirectShow.NET C#

What I would like to do is to pass an arbitrary audio file to a DirectShow filtergraph and receive a (…

c# .net-3.5 streaming directshow
How to get video frame using

As part of a program I have to be able to pull a few random frames from a user specified …

.net-3.5 directshow video-processing