Simulate a DirectShow Webcam

Nasenbaer picture Nasenbaer · Jan 25, 2012 · Viewed 22.8k times · Source

I am a developer in DotNet. I want to give skype a possibility to add a webcam simulator and send my bitmap frames to the DirectShow simulator. In this case I can draw my images in my application and on skype I can share this images to my friend.


I was on: but it's no Dotnet and I am not sure what example I should believe in.

I also saw: But as far as I undestand, here I cannot do with this framework what I need, or can I?

My question is: What is basically needed to create such an DirectShow item?



Roman R. picture Roman R. · Jan 25, 2012

It is possible through a virtual device, see

You will have hard time implementing this in C# only, as the APIs are for native code.