How to create audio spectrum in c#

david picture david · Jun 5, 2011 · Viewed 16.5k times · Source

I want to make an audio player in c# with signal spectrum.

I saw some examples in the net about how to make the player but cant find example about the spectrum.

Anyone can give me a direction please?


keyboardP picture keyboardP · Jun 5, 2011

There's a CodeProject article that shows how to create a visualizer. If you want to perform more advanced actions, you can look at libraries such as FMOD and BASS. They can both pretty much display spectrums with a few lines of code. However, if your project is for commercial use, you should read their licenses. Alternatively, you can use the open-source NAudio library which also makes it easier to display the spectrum. There's sample code included, such as this SpectrumAnalyser class.