Top "Digital-ocean" questions

Digital Ocean is a provider of cloud infrastructure and services.

How to solve "sign_and_send_pubkey: signing failed: agent refused operation"?

Configuring a new Digital Ocean droplet with SSH keys. When I run ssh-copy-id this is what I get: ssh-copy-id [email protected] /…

ssh remote-access digital-ocean ssh-keys
Unable to access Webmin through browser

I followed DigitalOcean's tutorials on how to set up your server with SSH, creating a new user, firewalls etc. The …

ssh server ubuntu-14.04 digital-ocean webmin
Ubuntu Apache: "Module php7 does not exist"

I am trying to upgrade PHP 5.5.9 to PHP 7 on my DigitalOcean Ubuntu 14.04 machine. I've read many tutorials and articles how …

php apache ubuntu digital-ocean
Deploy Angular 2 to Apache Server

I want to deploy an Angular 2 application on an Apache server. I've read various guides like this and this but …

apache .htaccess angular digital-ocean
ZSH Agnoster Theme showing machine name

I have a development server hosted on Digital Ocean, using Ubuntu 14.04. I switched my shell to ZSH and decided to …

shell ubuntu zsh digital-ocean oh-my-zsh
RewriteRule Error: Bad flag delimiters

Using this RewriteRule in my .htaccess file I'm getting RewriteRule: Bad flag delimiters which is returning a 500 error in the …

apache mod-rewrite ubuntu url-rewriting digital-ocean
Laravel uploading file Unable to write in directory

I'm uploading files in my system and it works locally where am using windows and xampp but when hosting where …

php laravel file-upload laravel-5 digital-ocean
What is the proper command to restart a Dokku app from SSH?

A Rails app I deployed on DigitalOcean using Dokku crashed and started returning 500 errors. How can I restart it without …

docker digital-ocean dokku
Creating subdomain with Vesta CP and DigitalOcean

I'm trying to configure but everytime I access keeps showing me the not found error. www.…

dns subdomain digital-ocean
Using SQL Server Management Studio to remote connect to docker container

Context: I am trying to build a development SQL Server that I can continue to learn SQL on and use …

sql-server docker digital-ocean