Top "Digital-ocean" questions

Digital Ocean is a provider of cloud infrastructure and services.

django.db.utils.OperationalError: FATAL: role "django" does not exist

I followed this tutorial on Digital Ocean to install PostgreSQL 9.5 on an Ubuntu 16.04 server to use with Django 1.10. Everything went …

django postgresql python-3.x digital-ocean ubuntu-16.04
how to delete/remove calico cni from my kubernetes cluster

I have installed my kubernetes cluster(1master, 3worker)in the digital ocean. The problem is I installed both flannel and …

kubernetes digital-ocean flannel calico
Setting up CDN in a linux server

I'm trying to set up a CDN for my website. I've hosted it in my virtual server on Digital Ocean …

nginx cdn digital-ocean server-administration content-delivery-network
Installing gulp with npm

i am trying to install gulp via npm on DigitalOcean droplet with following command (with and without sudo): npm install …

node.js npm digital-ocean
Problem binding to port 80: Could not bind to IPv4 or IPv6 with certbot

I'm trying to update an SSL certificate on digital ocean with the command certbot renew But I get this error: …

docker ssl-certificate digital-ocean lets-encrypt certbot
Ubuntu - nodejs - npm install -g > Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir

Was having a issue installing a NodeJS npm package. On a Digital-Ocean Droplet Ubuntu (14.04) server. npm install -g PACKAGE-NAME I …

node.js ubuntu npm server digital-ocean
using sudo with ExecStart (systemd)

I am trying to get a node.js site live on port 80 (I am using Digital Ocean). I doing this …

node.js express digital-ocean production systemd
How do I set up global load balancing using Digital Ocean DNS and Nginx?

UPDATE: See the answer I've provided below for the solution I eventually got set up on AWS. I'm currently experimenting …

nginx dns global load-balancing digital-ocean
Mailgun Domain not found:

I am trying to setup emails with my own website. Let's say the domain name is The nameserver …

digital-ocean mailgun
`pip install pandas` gives UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 41: ordinal not in range(128)

When performing pip install pandas on a Digital Ocean 512MB droplet, I get the error UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode …

python ubuntu pip python-2.x digital-ocean