Top "Digital-ocean" questions

Digital Ocean is a provider of cloud infrastructure and services.

Meteor Up deployment, can't use meteor mongo --url

I've recently deployed my Meteor app to a Digital Ocean droplet running Ubuntu 14.04 x32. I used Meteor Up with this …

mongodb ssh meteor digital-ocean meteor-up
Use Robo 3T to connect to remote MongoDB

I'm trying to use Robomongo (or Robo 3T) under Mac to control my mongodb in the remote Ubuntu & Nginx …

mongodb nginx ssh digital-ocean robo3t
serve -s build specify port number

I'm trying to serve a react-app's build folder from a DigitalOcean droplet. After I run yarn build, I get told …

reactjs digital-ocean create-react-app yarnpkg
invalid parameter server_name in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/django

I've deployed a Django application on DigitalOcean. First off, when i try to secure this with https and ssl, I …

python django nginx django-admin digital-ocean
Configuring Gunicorn: No application module specified

I'm trying to deploy a django project with NGINX and gunicorn. I keep getting 502 Bad Gateway. I've been working nonstop …

python django nginx gunicorn digital-ocean
Spring-boot application won't boot at startup inside docker

I am running a simple spring-boot application inside a docker container. At startup whether started with java -jar MY_JAR.…

java spring docker spring-boot digital-ocean
Update nginx in ubuntu 14.04

In my server, nginx -v returns nginx version: nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu), it is very old, so I decided to update it …

ubuntu nginx digital-ocean
Still getting 413 Request Entity Too Large even after client_max_body_size 100M

I'm using Rails and Nginx on Digital ocean and I've been trying to upload a 17.6 MB file and I'm still …

ruby-on-rails nginx digital-ocean
An unhandled lowlevel error occurred. The application logs may have details

I'm tyring to deploy a rails app to a digital ocean droplet and all seems to be configured ok but …

ruby-on-rails nginx capistrano digital-ocean puma
Kubernetes simple authentication

I am using KUbernetes on a coreOs cluster hosted on DigitalOcean. And using this repo to set it up. I …

kubernetes digital-ocean coreos