Unable to access Webmin through browser

joseph picture joseph · Apr 20, 2015 · Viewed 64.5k times · Source

I followed DigitalOcean's tutorials on how to set up your server with SSH, creating a new user, firewalls etc. The first tutorial in the series is linked under:


I've also installed Webmin on my server, but I still can't get a connection to the server by using the web-browser. It just loads for a long time and then says it can't establish a connection. The URL's I've been using are:

"Just-my-IP-adress" and "https://Just-my-IP-adress:10000"

The last one to open the Webmin administrator.

I'm not sure what else needs to be done to get a response from the server. This is all new to me, so you shouldn't assume that anything besides the tutorial I followed above has been done.

Any rookie-mistake-suggestions would be appreciated.

UPDATE1: After following this tutorial to install LAMP, I now get a response when just using my IP-adress, webmin is still not responding, but I assume it was not properly installed since I did not have LAMP installed when I did the Webmin-installation.


UPDATE1: After installing Webmin again, I still can't access it through the browser. I tried the command:

nc -zvw 3 <my-ip> 10000

in the terminal and got this as a response:¨

Connection to 10000 port [tcp/webmin] succeeded!

So I guess the port is open and I should be able to connect to it, but it won't let me use the GUI in the browser.


24x7servermanagement picture 24x7servermanagement · Apr 20, 2015

Please try to restart webmin with the following command and check if you are getting any error.

/etc/init.d/webmin restart

If it's working fine, Then defiantly there is an issues with the firewall OR some ports are blocked at your DC end. Please try to stop firewall and check again.