Top "Deserialization" questions

Deserialization is the process by which an object is recreated from its serialized state.

com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot deserialize instance of `java.util.ArrayList` out of START_OBJECT token

How to read below JSON using Jackson ObjectMapper? I have developed code but getting below error. com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.…

java json jackson deserialization objectmapper
Parse/deserialize MTOM/XOP Data .NET

How can I parse/deserialize a MTOM/XOP response that I get from a web service using WCF? I have …

c# xml wcf deserialization mtom
Creating MTOM and Deserializing it

I have been using some code to create MTOM by using code from MSDN. It seems that there is an …

c# serialization deserialization mtom xop
Hibernate SerializationException

In my database, I have three tables: Hotels, Facilities and Images. Hotels table has "One to Many Relationship" with both …

java hibernate deserialization one-to-many hibernate-onetomany
what is the different between default and generated serial version uid in java?

I don't know exactly where to use default serialVersionUID or generated serialVersionUID in java ? private static final long serialVersionUID = 4125965356358329466L; // …

java serialization deserialization serialversionuid
Json.NET deserialization of Tuple<...> inside another type doesn't work?

Using, deserializing a type that contains a Tuple<...> doesn't work (serialization works, but deserialization doesn't): [TestMethod] …

c# serialization deserialization json-deserialization
symfony deserialize nested objects

I have used the Symfony serializer to serialize my Recherche object. In a Recherche object, I have sub objects : Categorie …

serialization deserialization symfony-3.4
Why System.Version in JSON string does not deserialize correctly?

Context: I need to pass an object containing a large number of properties/fields (to UI Layer from Middle Tier …

c# deserialization system.version
Send object over udp in Java

I'm trying to send and object over udp by first serializing it and then deserializing it on the other end. …

java serialization udp deserialization eofexception