Top "Deserialization" questions

Deserialization is the process by which an object is recreated from its serialized state.

Jackson custom deserializer for one field with polymorphic types

Update: I tried to debug in jackson source code and find out that in the method deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext …

java json polymorphism jackson deserialization
Jackson - How to specify a single implementation for interface-referenced deserialization?

I want to deserialize a JSON-Object with Jackson. Because the target is an interface I need to specify which implementation …

java json jackson deserialization
JsonMappingException: Can not instantiate value of type no single-long-arg constructor/factory method

hi am getting error trying to parse a json response into java on zk framework here is the jason reply {"…

java json jackson deserialization zk
cannot deserialize from Object value (no delegate- or property-based Creator) even with default constructor present

I have a class that looks like class MyClass { private byte[] payload; public MyClass(){} @JsonCreator public MyClass(@JsonProperty("payload") final …

java serialization jackson deserialization
Deserializing JSON using JSon.NET with dynamic data

I'm trying to deserialize some JSON data into objects for an application. Up until now it's been fine because the …

json windows-phone-7 deserialization
How do I use JSON.NET to deserialize into nested/recursive Dictionary and List?

I need to deserialize a complex JSON blob into standard .NET containers for use in code that is not aware …

.net json deserialization
How serialization works when only subclass implements serializable

Only subclass has implemented Serializable interface. import*; public class NewClass1{ private int i; NewClass1(){ i=10; } int getVal() { return …

java inheritance serialization deserialization notserializableexception
How do I deserialize a JSON array and ignore the root node?

I have next response from server - {"response":[{"uid":174952xxxx,"first_name":"xxxx","last_name":"xxx"}]} I am trying to …

c# json deserialization
Usage of Jackson @JsonProperty annotation for kotlin data classes

kotlin 1.2.10 jackson-module-kotlin:2.9.0 I have the following data class in kotlin: data class CurrencyInfo( @JsonProperty("currency_info") var currencyInfo: CurrencyInfoItem? ) @JsonInclude(…

java json jackson kotlin deserialization
Error converting value {null} to type 'System.DateTime' in input json

This JsonSerializationException was thrown when I tried to input the following DateTime parameters in my Json : "Error converting value {null} …

c# json datetime null deserialization