Top "Deserialization" questions

Deserialization is the process by which an object is recreated from its serialized state.

Issue with JSON.stringify adding a extra \ and "" to my Json object

Hi I am creating using Javascript an array of object with a key and a value using the following code. …

javascript arrays json serialization deserialization
Performant Entity Serialization: BSON vs MessagePack (vs JSON)

Recently I've found MessagePack, an alternative binary serialization format to Google's Protocol Buffers and JSON which also outperforms both. Also …

serialization deserialization bson msgpack messagepack
jQuery deserialize form

I am using jQuery Serialize to serialize my form elements and would like to deserialize them back. Unfortunately can't find …

javascript jquery deserialization
How to remove k__BackingField from json when Deserialize

I am getting the k_BackingField in my returned json after serializing a xml file to a .net c# object. …

.net json serialization deserialization
There is an error in XML document (1,2) , System.InvalidOperationException: <AuthorizationResult xlms:""> was not expected

XML sent from API <AuthenticationResult xmlns:i=""> <PAPIErrorCode>0</PAPIErrorCode> &…

c# xml api deserialization httpwebresponse
Newtonsoft JSON - Dynamic Objects

I am using the Newtonsoft JSON library to perform dynamic deserialisation on incoming raw JSON and have found something that …

c# json dynamic deserialization
Deserialize nested JSON into C# objects

I am getting JSON back from an API that looks like this: { "Items": { "Item322A": [{ "prop1": "string", "prop2": "string", "prop3": 1, "…

c# json deserialization json-deserialization
Polymorphism in jackson annotations: @JsonTypeInfo usage

I would like to know if @JsonTypeInfo annotation can be used for interfaces. I have set of classes which should …

java polymorphism jackson deserialization
serialize and deserialize enum with Gson

How can i serialize and deserialize a simple enum like this with gson 2.2.4 ? public enum Color { RED, BLUE, YELLOW; }

java serialization enums deserialization gson
No parameterless constructor defined for type of 'System.String' during JSON deserialization

This seems like it should be so easy, but I am getting an exception when I try to deserialize some …

c# json deserialization