Top "Deserialization" questions

Deserialization is the process by which an object is recreated from its serialized state.

JMS Serializer Deserialize with abstract parent class

I have an abstract parent (mapped super-)class which has several children with different properties which I'd like to deserialize. …

symfony deserialization doctrine-odm jmsserializerbundle
XML deserialization when reading from msmq

I want to read XML Messages from a Message Queue in a C# WPF Application. Messages are saved into the …

c# xml deserialization dynamics-nav
How can I deserialize JSON with a top-level array using Serde?

I have a some JSON data that is returned from a web service. The JSON is a top-level array: [ { "data": "…

json rust deserialization serde
how to handle Special character in query param value in Rest assured

I'm struggling with handling special character in query parameter value while working with Rest Assured. In url (as given below), …

java arrays json deserialization rest-assured
Deserialize millisecond timestamp to java.time.Instant

I'm attempting to read a JSON file using Jackson and store one of the fields that is stored as a …

java serialization jackson deserialization java-time
How to use Flexjson JSONDeserializer?

I have a string: [{"product_id":"2","name":'stack"'},{"product_id":"2","name":"overflow"}]" How can I use Flexjson's JSONDeserializer to …

java json deserialization flexjson
C# Custom Serialization/Deserialization together with DeflateStreams

I'm trying to do custom serialization/deserialization of an object as well as compressing/decompressing the serialized data with DeflateStreams. …

c# serialization deserialization deflatestream
System.Text.Json - Deserialize nested object as string

I'm trying to use the System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer to deserialize the model partially, so one of the properties is …

c# json .net-core deserialization system.text.json
Serializing and deserializing a List<List<object>> with BinaryFormatter

Let's say I have List<object> mainList = new List<object>(); And it contains List<string&…

c# serialization stream deserialization binaryformatter
Checkmarx error: Deserialization of untrusted data

I am getting deserialization of untrusted data during checkmarx scan (which find security related vulnarabilities in code) in the onMessage() …

java jms deserialization checkmarx validationmessage