Top "Deserialization" questions

Deserialization is the process by which an object is recreated from its serialized state.

How to debug deserialization errors in .NET?

.NET's Deserilization errors are quite generic, for example something like this: System.ArgumentException: Object of type 'System.Uri' cannot be …

.net debugging serialization deserialization
Deserialising polymorphic types with MongoDB C# Driver

Assume, I have a base class public class Node{ public ObjectId Id; public String nodeName; public ObjectId parentNode; } and 2 derived …

c# mongodb deserialization
Is json.loads() vulnerable to arbitrary code execution?

Is json.loads from Python's standard json module vulnerable to arbitrary code execution or any other security problems? My application …

python json serialization deserialization
How do I unpack and extract data properly using msgpack-c?

I'm currently trying to use msgpack in a project written in C. I'm using msgpack for the purpose of serializing …

c serialization deserialization msgpack
Partial deserialization of JSON object by using DataContractJsonSerializer

As a response from a Bitbucket REST API I'm getting the following JSON object (simplified version): { "repositories": [ { "scm": "hg", "has_…

c# json deserialization datacontractserializer datacontractjsonserializer
Jackson deserialize extra fields as map

I'm looking to deserialize any unknown fields in a JSON object as entries in a map which is a member …

java json jackson deserialization
How to deserialize json object and assign to a NSDictionary in iOS

This is my code for handling server response. - (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection { NSLog(@"connectionDidFinishLoading : %@", [[NSString alloc] …

ios json nsdictionary deserialization nsdata
Can I serialize / dserialize flatbuffers to / from JSON?

Is it possible to serialize / deserialize flatbuffers to and from JSON? What I really want to do is to save …

c++ json serialization deserialization flatbuffers
Jackson Mapper - how to fail on null or empty values

We're using Jackson JSON mapper in our code to de-serialize some configuration objects. We'd like for Jackson to fail on …

java jackson deserialization mapper
property type or class using reflection

I was wondering if it's possible to determine the class or primitive type of an Objects properties. Getting all properties …

objective-c reflection deserialization introspection