Top "Eofexception" questions

An exception that occurs when reading from a stream or file, and indicates that the end of the stream has been reached. when try to read from a socket

i don't know why appear. i want to write a file after i get binary stream from …

java file io eofexception
When will an EOFException occur in JAVA's streams

I am working with a DataInputStream and had a question about EOFExceptions. According to java docs: Signals that an end …

java input stream eofexception while writing and reading froma servlet

I have the following code on the applet side: URL servlet = new URL(appletCodeBase, "FormsServlet?form=requestRoom"); URLConnection con = servlet.…

java objectoutputstream objectinputstream eofexception
Java Mysterious EOF exception with readObject

The following code produces an EOFException. Why is that? public static Info readInfoDataFromFile(Context context) { Info InfoData = null; FileInputStream fis = …

java exception serialization eofexception
MySQL Communications link failure due to underlying exception

I am facing such annoying problem, running on Tomcat 6 and MySQL using TomcatJDBC Lib. com.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException: Communications link …

java mysql tomcat jdbc eofexception
Android HttpsUrlConnection eofexception

I have a problem where my HttpsURLConnection will throw an EOFException when i try to read any input. The code …

android httpurlconnection eofexception
Writing to Avro Data file

The following code simply writes data into avro format and reads and displays the same from the avro file written …

file avro eofexception
Error in MySQL Connection when accessing a remote server

I've hosted a MySQL DB in a webserver. I've granted all privledges and allowed my IP to connect to this …

java mysql remote-access eofexception
DataInputStream giving

I have created small CLI client-server application. Once the server is loaded the client can connect to it and send …

java serversocket eofexception
Reading Objects until End of File in java

I'm trying to write a program where the user can: 1) Add a person to the contact (name, phone, email), 2) Remove …

java serialization objectinputstream eofexception