Top "Serversocket" questions

ServerSocket is a java.

How do I resolve the " Address already in use: JVM_Bind" error?

In Eclipse, I got this error: run: [java] Error creating the server socket. [java] Oct 04, 2012 5:31:38 PM cascadas.ace.AceFactory bootstrap […

java eclipse networking serversocket
How to read all of Inputstream in Server Socket JAVA

I am using at one of my project. and I wrote a App Server that gets inputStream from …

java network-programming inputstream serversocket bufferedinputstream
What is the difference between Socket and ServerSocket?

If Socket represents client side and ServerSocket represents server side, why reads the data from server side? I'm …

java sockets serversocket
" Address already in use" when I am already running a service on the same port

I have one server socket program, when I run this program I get the following error: Address …

java serversocket
Difference between TCP Listener and Socket

As far as I know I can create a server using both TCPListener and Socket, so what is the difference …

sockets tcp client serversocket tcplistener Invalid argument: connect

My new laptop (Alienware m17x) throws a Invalid argument: connect when I run the following basic …

java sockets serversocket
Connect two client sockets

Let's say Java has two kind of sockets: server sockets "ServerSocket" client sockets or just "Socket" Imagine the situation of …

java sockets client serversocket
Socket Exception: socket is closed

I want to create server which is able to be connected with multiple clients. My main function is: ServerSocket serverSocket = …

java sockets serversocket
Creating the ServerSocket in a separate thread?

I have a problem with using a ServerSocket in my application. I'm creating the ServerSocket in the constructor of my …

java multithreading serversocket
Java ServerSocket connection limit?

I was running a few tests with sockets, and I encountered some strange behavior: A ServerSocket will refuse connections after …

java sockets connection serversocket