Decimal is the name for our common base-ten numeral system.
Whats the 10's complement of 1056.074? Please check the solution: 9999.999 - 1056.074 = 8943.925 (9's complement of 1056.074) Now 1 is added to .074 or 8943?
math decimal decimal-point complement number-systemsWhat is preferable data type to store the costing value ? Money or Decimal whats the programmatic diff bet them? asp.…
sql sql-server decimal sqldatatypes currencyI write financial applications where I constantly battle the decision to use a double vs using a decimal. All of …
double decimal financeI have a variable of decimal type and I want to check the number of digits before decimal point in …
c# numbers decimalWhen I tried to convert something like 0.1 (from user in textbox), My value b is always false. bool b = Decimal.…
c# decimal tryparseI'm writing a financial application in C# where performance (i.e. speed) is critical. Because it's a financial app I …
c# performance decimalI have a model property I'm trying to render using an EditorFor template, and I'm trying to apply formatting using … decimal mvc-editor-templates displayformatI know this is a total newbie question, but the answer may not be obvious to many new programmers. It …
perl decimal notation scientific-notationI am writing an application which will do some formatting to CSV file and uploads the table to mysql after …
php mysql hex decimal typeconverter