Top "Cython" questions

Cython is a superset of the Python language for quickly generating Python C extensions.

Cython -a flag (to generate yellow-shaded HTML) without command line

When you run from the command line $ cython -a mycode.pyx you get a really nice HTML "annotation" file with …

How to profile cython functions line-by-line

I often struggle to find bottlenecks in my cython code. How can I profile cython functions line-by-line?

python profiling cython
No speed gains from Cython

I am trying to define a function that contains an inner loop for simulating an integral. The problem is speed. …

python optimization numpy cython
Correct way to generate random numbers in Cython?

What is the most efficient and portable way to generate a random random in [0,1] in Cython? One approach is to …

python random numpy cython
Cython: cimport and import numpy as (both) np

In the tutorial of the Cython documentation, there are cimport and import statements of numpy module: import numpy as np …

python numpy cython python-import
Can't install Kivy: Cython/GCC error

so I tried to install Kivy following the instructions from the official site: $ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-pygame python-opengl \ python-gst0.10 …

python c gcc cython kivy
How to declare 2D c-arrays dynamically in Cython

I need to perform a lot of work using 2D numpy arrays of various sizes and I would like to …

c numpy cython dynamic-arrays memoryview
Noob-Ready Cython Tutorials

I know a bunch of scripting languages, (python, ruby, lua, php) but I don't know any compiled languages like C/…

python c cython
Are there advantages to use the Python/C interface instead of Cython?

I want to extend python and numpy by writing some modules in C or C++, using BLAS and LAPACK. I …

python c numpy cython
Call python code from c via cython

So I'd like to call some python code from c via cython. I've managed to call cython code from c. …

python c cython